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First Time Visitor?  Welcome! We hope will join us for worship. We pray that the Lord will bless your time with us!

How should I dress?   We do not have a dress code. You will notice that worshippers at PVLC dress in a variety of ways- casual, business-casual, dressy. What matters most is that you are comfortable and ready to worship. The prophet Samuel was told, "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7b)

What do I do when I get there?  On your way into church a greeter will warmly welcome you and gladly answer any questions you have. You will receive a bulletin that outlines the worship service. This will tell you where to find the order of service we are using in the hymnal. Feel free to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. After the service, we welcome you to join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and a time to greet to and get to know the people of Park View Lutheran. Please be sure to introduce yourself to the Pastors on your way out.

What about children?  Children are very important to us at PVLC! We encourage kids to worship with their families in the church service. We also invite younger children to come up to chancel for a children's message with the pastor. This takes place right before the sermon hymn. The Fellowship Hall is available for walking and comforting restless little ones. We also offer a nursery for young children. We also have "Busy Bags" on coat trees just inside our glass doors. They are cloth bags filled with Bible story books, crayons, and coloring books.

What is a worship service like?  Worship services at PVLC follow a liturgical pattern. Most services include the singing of hymns or songs, a time for confession and forgiveness, Scripture readings, prayers, creed, a sermon, offering, Holy Communion, and a blessing. Sometimes a baptism takes place at the beginning of a service. A typical service lasts about an hour.

Do I have to participate?  We welcome all guests and visitors to read and sing along during the service. We welcome to the Lord's Supper all who are confirmed members of a congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS). We invite all others to come forward to the communion rail for a blessing, and to enroll in our Adult Seekers class where Holy Communion and other important biblical teachings are taught. Our Adult Seekers class is offered twice a year. Please contact the church office for more information.

What about the offering?   After the sermon offering plates will be passed around. This is an opportunity for our regular members to actively respond to all God has given them by freely giving to support His church through the ministries of Park View Lutheran. We do not expect or require visitors to put anything in the offering plate, though you are welcome to if you like. We encourage you to fill out a visitor's card in your pew, listing any special prayer requests or comments you might have.