Jesus gave us the gift of baptism when He said to the apostles: "Go, make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:9-20). In the early Christian church adults and families were baptized into Christ as God called them to faith by the Gospel. Baptism is a new beginning, a new birth given to us by God in the forgiveness of our sins.
What Is Baptism? Luther's Small Catechism provides a very simple summary of the Biblical teaching of Baptism: "Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God' command and combined with God's word."
We believe that baptism is a miracle in which God seals our adoption into God's family by faith. It is important that we also plan for the ongoing instruction in the Christian faith as Jesus said to "baptize... teaching them."
Who May be Baptized? Adults are normally baptized after receiving instructions in the Christian faith. Children and infants are baptized with the commitment by parents and sponsors to continue to teach them the Christian faith.
What about Sponsors? Sponsors may be chosen to assist parents in raising their children in the Christian faith. Sponsors serve as witnesses to the baptism and to pray for and encourage the children in their Christian life. It is important that the sponsor is a confessing Christian who shares our Lutheran beliefs about this Sacrament and one who will serve as a faithful example to the child.
If you would like to schedule a baptism, please contact Pastor by calling the church office.
We welcome to the Lord's Supper all who are confirmed members of a congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS). We invite all others to come forward to the communion rail for a blessing, and to enroll in our Adult Seekers class where Holy Communion and other important biblical teachings are taught. Our Adult Seekers class is offered twice a year. Please contact the church office for more information.
For more information, visit our LCMS's website to view frequently asked questions.
5th-8th Grade Confirmation
THE PURPOSE of our confirmation classes is to work with parents in the instruction of their children in the Christian faith. Together, by the blessing of the Holy Spirit, we hope to guide our Jr. youth into a daily and personal faith-walk with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who made them and has forgiven them through Jesus Christ's perfect life, death and rising from the dead.
IT IS OUR AIM to help all students to trust in God as their greatest treasure and to rejoice over the worth God gives them in Jesus. Then, we want to encourage them to live as God's children in all they do, daily using God's Word for personal comfort, guidance and strength for life's many decisions.
DURING AND AFTER these classes, we pray all students will publicly confess their Christian faith into which they've been baptized, faithfully receive God's Word and Supper at weekly worship, join fellow Christians for Bible study and prayer, and be God's blessing by serving others with their words and actions.
**Our Confirmands from 2023-2024, ceremony was held on April 28th.
What If I'm Not a Christian?
We welcome anyone who may have questions about the Christian faith. If you are reading this, it's probably because you are feeling a divine pull toward God. The Bible says that "faith comes by hearing. and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17). Faith is a journey in which God is leading. We welcome you to our worship services and Bible studies. We especially encourage you to meet with our pastor and join in one of our New Member Classes that are offered twice a year. Once the classes are completed, and if you affirm what has been taught, we would be delighted to bring into membership and receive Holy Communion.
What If I'm a Christian of Another Denomination?
If you come from a different Christian background we invite you to worship and grow in God's Word with us. There have always different beliefs and viewpoints about Jesus. But Jesus wants us all of His followers to be one, just as He and the Father are one (John 17:20-23). Therefore, we invite you to attend our New Member Class so that you can understand what we believe are the true teachings of Scripture. If you affirm those teachings with us, you may become a member and receive Holy Communion.
What Is Baptism and Adult Confirmation?
The Christian faith begins with Baptism. In Baptism our lives are joined to Christ through water and God's Word. Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28.:9). God gives us a new identity: forgiven children of God. Through the teaching and preaching of God's Word we grow in our faith. Adult Confirmation is an affirmation of Baptism to show that a person has continued to learn and is now ready to receive the Holy Communion.
What If I've Been Baptized and Confirmed in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod?
If you've been active in another local Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod, we invite you to meet with the pastor for an introduction to our church. You may then ask for your membership to be transferred from your previous church to Park View Lutheran.
Members of our faith-family who wish to be married at PVLC may talk to Pastor. Pre-marital counseling sessions will be set up to prepare the couple for a marriage centered on Christ. The Pastor will also assist the couple as they plan a worship ceremony that gives honor and praise to God. It is important to reserve a rehearsal and wedding date early, and to contact an organist and/or other musicians well in advance. Most importantly couples need to first meet with the Pastor to discuss guidelines and spiritual matters (e.g. “living together”) so that the marriage relationship can begin on a solid foundation.
The passing of a loved one is a very difficult time. At Park View Lutheran we want to come alongside you, support, and care for you. This is a time to draw our focus on the love, forgiveness, and eternal life won through Christ Jesus. Through our faith in Jesus, we are able to face death with confidence.
If you need to schedule a funeral, please contact our church office at (563) 285-9035